GreenPoint Rated Checklist

These checklists can be printed out and used as an official GreenPoint Rated checklist used for permitting and funding purposes. While we complete the majority of our requests the day of the order, please provide up to two (2) business days to complete your order.

New Home Single Family Checklist: $75

New Home Multifamily Checklist: $75 - $200 (pricing based on size of project)

Note for Raters - checklists and additional documents are available in the Tracking System

This information is used to email the GreenPoint Rated Checklist Excel file to you or the person who will be utilizing it.

Project Details

This information will get added to the checklist that we send to you. This information cannot be modified by you. You will only be able to answer “Yes” or “No” under Column A of the Checklist. Points will automatically be calculated for you by the Excel file.

 (ex. Smith Residence)

Additional Project Information

Payment Information